Available Products

Baby Sleep from A to Z

Baby Sleep from A to Z will help you navigate your baby's sleep from 4-17 months old! You'll learn all about age-appropriate schedules, routines, the ideal sleeping environment, the different sleep training methods out there, and so much more. 

(Note that Baby Sleep from A to Z is not a step-by-step sleep training plan and does not guarantee your little one will sleep through the night by a certain age.)

Big Kid Sleep from A to Z

Big Kid Sleep from A to Z will help you navigate your toddler and older child's sleep as they keep getting older so their sleep can stay on track, or get back on track!

(Note that Big Kid Sleep from A to Z is not a step-by-step sleep training plan and does not guarantee your little one will sleep in their own bed all night long.)

Newborn Sleep from A to Z

Newborn Sleep from A to Z will help you navigate your newborn's sleep for the first year 16 weeks of their precious life! From routines to schedules, from the swaddle transition to "red flags," to how to actually help your baby fall asleep in their crib or bassinet - it's all right here, and more. 

Newborn Sleep from A to Z + Basic Support

Newborn Sleep from A to Z will help you navigate your newborn's sleep for the first year 16 weeks of their precious life! From routines to schedules, from the swaddle transition to "red flags," to how to actually help your baby fall asleep in their crib or bassinet - it's all right here, and more. 

With this Basic Support Package, you will have access to send me two emails with questions until your baby is 16 weeks old, to gain any further guidance and continue getting any sleep possible!

Newborn Sleep from A to Z + Standard Support

Newborn Sleep from A to Z will help you navigate your newborn's sleep for the first year 16 weeks of their precious life! From routines to schedules, from the swaddle transition to "red flags," to how to actually help your baby fall asleep in their crib or bassinet - it's all right here, and more. 

With this Standard Support Package, you have unlimited access to email me as questions come up, as well as to schedule phone calls to continue gaining further guidance. 

Guide to End Early Morning Wakings

This guide will not only help you figure out why your baby or toddler always wakes up before 6 a.m., ready to start the day, but it will also teach you how to solve those early wake-ups! You will learn eight proven strategies to help your little one get a full night of sleep and wake up between 6-7 a.m. If you have a baby or toddler between 4 months - 8 years old, this guide will help you solve those exhausting early mornings!

The Travel Sleep Guide

This guide will help you feel more confident when traveling with babies and kids of all ages. Whether you've had sleepless vacations before or you're nervous that this great sleep you've worked so hard for will go out the window when you travel, this guide will help you feel prepared for plane or car travel, hotel stays, adjusting to new time zones, how to manage off-schedules, how to adjust back home, and so much more!

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